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Bob Dyer: Should we turn Akron over to zombies?


Bob: Thanks for your great column, “Don’t be so sad.”

You might want to follow it up with another column asking readers to write, “I am sad because ... .”

Perhaps I can help. I am sad because Akron and the U of Akron is a pathetic place. The U of Akron is absolutely corrupt and needs to be shut down or merged with Stark State or Kent State.

I vote for closing the U of Akron and bulldozing the buildings. Should they spread lime over the grounds? Methinks lime might help to keep the zombies down.

I am sad because of Akron. It does not seem to be going anywhere. Admittedly, it tries, but the jobs and the opportunities are just simply NOT in Akron.

Silicon Valley is full of computer programmers, Ph.D.s and entrepreneurial geniuses. Akron is full of IDIOTS. Cleveland may be even worse. Cleveland is full of IDIOTS with guns.

I am sad because the people in Northeast Ohio are so stupid that they think sports will eliminate their sadness.

Now come on. Did LeBron James really do anything for your sadness? He didn’t for mine. (I don’t “shoot the pill,” nor do I care for those who do.)

Do the Indians really make you happy? Does anyone care about the Browns? Get off it!

I am sad because ... (fill in your own diaspora right here).

Steve Star


Steve: I’m going to make a bold prediction and say you won’t be making a living as a motivational speaker.

Sports won’t change the world, and a winning team won’t create many significant new jobs. But a championship can bring disparate people closer together. And at a time when we have never been more polarized — politically, racially and seemingly in every other way — that’s worth something.

As for LeBron ... well, yes, he has made me less sad.

He is an inspiration to me — and not because of what he has done “shooting the pill.”

LeBron is an inspiration because, despite garnering unthinkable riches and fame at a ridiculously young age, he not only avoided off-court trouble but has developed into an incredible leader and role model, one of precious few international celebrities who is not entirely focused on himself.

The man is on a mission to lift up the youth of inner-city Akron, to stamp their impressionable minds with his rock-solid mantra: “Nothing is given. Everything is earned. You work for what you get.”

How many other superstars have put their time and money where their mouth is, promising to help make sure the tuition is paid for thousands of schoolkids to attend UA and, as of last week, following up with an institute to give them the study help they need to graduate?

LeBron is changing our corner of the world, and that’s nothing to scoff at.

And the University of Akron seems to be doing its best to repair the enormous damage caused by the disastrous reign of Scott “Kill the Roo” Scarborough. Potentially removing the “interim” tag in front of President Matthew Wilson’s name is a major step in the right direction.

But I’ll grant you that Akron isn’t the Silicon Valley.

Our traffic isn’t as bad.

No hypocrite

Speaking of LeBron ... I got this anonymous email Monday morning

Bob: Just wondering: I see Northeast Ohio’s three major dailies reported LeBron’s endorsement of Clinton, on the front page no less. Just wondering if anyone from any publication took the time to see if LBJ is registered to vote or if he bothered to do so in elections after turning 18 in 2002?

Person: Yes, LeBron James is registered to vote. You could have found that information very easily on the Summit County Board of Elections website — as we did.

Tribe time

Bob: [A 56-year-old female reader joked in your recent column that the Indians should change their name to “Menopausal Women.”] I would shorten it to maybe “Men-o-Woe,” or possibly “Woe-O-Man.”

Your opinion?

Mary Sue Henkel

Granger Township

Mary: Depends on the logo.

Bob Dyer can be reached at 330-996-3580 or bdyer@thebeaconjournal.com. He also is on Facebook at www.facebook.com/bob.dyer.31

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